If you often wake up with jaw pain, earaches, or headaches, or if you find yourself clenching or grinding your teeth, you may have a common condition called bruxism.

Although the causes of bruxism are not really known, several factors may be involved. Stressful situations at home, school, or work, problems in sleeping, an abnormal bite, and crooked or missing teeth may contribute to bruxism. Many people do not even know that they grind their teeth, as it often occurs when one is sleeping. If not corrected, bruxism can lead to broken teeth, cracked teeth, damaged restorations, or even tooth loss.

There is an easy, non-invasive treatment for bruxism: nightguards. Nightguards are an easy way to prevent the wear and damage that teeth-grinding causes over time. Custom-made by your dentist from soft material to fit your teeth, a nighttime mouthguard is inserted over your top or bottom arch and prevents contact with the opposing teeth.

Choosing the right mouthguard is essential. There are three basic types of mouthguards: the pre-made nightguard, the “boil-and-bite” night mouthguard, and a custom-made nightguard from our office. When you choose a nightguard, be sure to pick one that is tear-resistant, comfortable and well fitted for your mouth, easy to keep clean, and does not prevent you from breathing properly. A night guard created in our office will fit all these requirements, as it will be custom-made just for your teeth.


Using a nighttime mouthguard can have many positive effects on your oral health and overall well being. As the clenching of your teeth usually happens at night, a night guard can help alleviate symptoms without you even being aware of it! A custom nightguard made by your Marietta dentist can do more than protect your teeth from nighttime clenching and grinding:


You may be tempted to think that a nightguard purchased online or at a pharmacy can provide the same relief and protection as a nightguard that’s custom made for you by your dentist. When it comes to thinking about night mouthguards, cost is usually a factor for most people so it’s not surprising that many people choose the cheaper “one size fits all” option. These can provide some benefits but be aware of the following potential issues:

A night guard created by your dentist will be made to fit your teeth and mouth perfectly, giving you the most comfort and protection while you’re wearing it. To schedule your appointment for a custom made nighttime mouthguard, call the Marietta dental professionals at Kenmar Dental today.


Night guards will last for many years, although it depends on what they’re made out of. If you get one made of softer, flexible material, it won’t last as long as a dental acrylic nightguard.

It’s important to keep your night mouthguard in top condition by making sure it’s clean and fresh. Rinse it off as soon as you take it out and give it a brush with a regular toothbrush but don’t use any toothpaste. Allow it to air dry and keep it in a case if you have one. Deep clean it at least weekly by soaking it in a solution of mouthwash and water or denture cleaner and water. Leave for 30 minutes, rinse and allow to air dry. Don’t soak your nightguard for long periods as it may cause damage over time.

A dentist will usually prescribe a nightguard for your upper jaw only. This provides enough protection between the surfaces of your teeth to mitigate teeth grinding and jaw clenching. Upper jaw night guards also leave your tongue free so are much more comfortable and easy to put in and take out. In cases where it may be necessary to fit a nightguard for your lower jaw, your dentist will be able to discuss the reasons with you.

There is no definitive cause for bruxism so while a nightguard will not cure it, it will protect your teeth and lessen jaw, head and neck pains that come with teeth clenching and grinding.

If you have problems with jaw clenching during the day, you can benefit from wearing your nightguard anytime.

old couple with night guards