Bonding is a conservative way to repair slightly chipped, discolored, or crooked teeth. During dental bonding, a white filling is placed onto your tooth to improve its appearance. The filling “bonds” with your teeth, and because it comes in a variety of tooth-colored shades, it closely matches the appearance of your natural teeth.

Tooth bonding can also be used for teeth fillings instead of amalgam fillings. Many patients prefer bonded fillings because the white color is much less noticeable than the silver amalgam fillings. Bonding fillings can be used on front and back teeth depending on the location and extent of tooth decay.

Bonding is less expensive than other cosmetic treatments and usually can be completed in one visit to our office. However, bonding can stain and is easier to break than other cosmetic treatments such as porcelain veneers. If it does break or chip, tell your doctor. The bonding generally can be easily patched or repaired in one visit.


Cosmetic dental bonding is a non-invasive procedure that can fix or enhance your smile with just a little work. The bonding is completed in just a few steps:

For dental bonding in Marietta, GA and surrounding areas, contact Kenmar Dental for an appointment and see how a little dental work can make a big difference.


Tooth bonding is adding composite resin to a chipped or crooked tooth to mend it or give it a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. Veneers are thin slivers of ceramic or porcelain, which cover the whole front surface of a tooth. While both can look great, veneers are more expensive and generally used for cosmetic reasons whereas dental bonding is used for minor repairs and small adjustments.

It depends where in your mouth the bonding is but you can expect it to last for many years. If the bonding is on your front tooth or teeth, try to avoid biting directly into things to take the strain off the bonding. In general, dental bonding can last from 5-10 years but it can last longer than this. During your regular check-ups, your dentist will check the condition of any bonding and advise if it needs to be touched up or re-done.

Composite resin does not stain as easily as your natural tooth enamel but that doesn’t mean it won’t stain at all. To keep it looking the same color as your natural teeth, ensure you keep up with a good oral healthcare routine and see your dentist regularly. Avoid smoking or vaping as this may stain your teeth while keeping the bonding at a lighter color. Dark colored drinks and foods may also cause staining so be sure to brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day.

If the bonding does become badly stained, your dentist may be able to polish the staining off, or in some cases, the bonding may have to be replaced.

The composite resin used for dental bonding cannot be whitened or lightened after it’s been adhered to your tooth. If you are planning on getting your teeth whitened, do so before any dental bonding is applied, then the bonding will match the brighter color of your whitened teeth.

The dental bonding process is a common procedure that is non-invasive and very safe. There are generally no side effects, apart from the potential of sensitivity in the affected area immediately after the appointment. While you can never rule out an allergic reaction to some component used to apply the composite resin, this is extremely rare. The main risk to getting dental bonding is the bonding itself chipping or staining over time. With regular visits to Kenmar Dental in Marietta, GA, your dental bonding should stay in great condition for years to come.

white teeth of woman who used dental bonding